What is Gen Xandwich?

Gen Xandwich is a place for caregivers, particularly those of us in the ‘sandwich phase’, caring for children and elders in our lives. It’s also a place for anyone who cares about care and wants to see caregiving become valued and more manageable for individuals and society as a whole. We will all be carers or be cared for at some point in our lives, so really this community is for all of us. Through weekly newsletters that blend personal stories and strategies with thoughtful research and solutions, I hope you’ll feel seen, learn something new, and share your ideas and experiences with the rest of us. Thanks for being here.

Who is Behind Gen Xandwich?

Hi, I’m Anna De La Cruz - mom of three kids 10 and under, daughter to parents with dementia, and sister and guardian to a brother with Downs Syndrome. I’ve spent most of my career in philanthropy, global health and gender equity. My personal experiences over the last decade have fueled my passion to build community and awareness to improve the care crisis that we’re experiencing in the US and globally. I love to hear from readers, so don’t hesitate to reach out!

Check out these articles for a taste

Is Care Migration the Next Frontier?

The Long Goodbye

Care Math: Girl Math has Nothing on these Stats

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A glimpse into the life of a Xennial caregiver to three littles, aging parents, and a disabled sibling, and a call to action for a more caring world.


Sandwich Xennial raising three kids while supporting a disabled sibling and aging parents. In my "spare time" I'm a social impact consultant focused on gender equity and health and a novice home baker.